Saturday, July 31, 2010

Book 42 Game Change**** by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin

If you are even a little interested in US politics and economics and the election of Barack Obama, this is a must read.  The book details the Democrat and Republican nominations, the vice-presidential selections, and the election period itself.   You will learn a lot about the US election process, all the people who didn't run, and all the people behind the candidates.   If you read this book, you will think you were there, hearing the calm and cool, the anger and tantrums, the

Full of the gory details, including many direct quotes, but not salacious or mean, the authors describe the highs and lows and personal strengths and weaknesses of all the players, in an even handed way, with nothing surmised or imagined.  

You want to know why Hillary puts up with Bill, why Hillary lost the nomination (Bill), why Guiliani didn't run for GOP leadership, who had what affairs, who works hard and who just coasts along, which leaders and wives are demanding prima donnas, whether Sarah Palin is unbalanced, how Obama talked Clinton into being his Secretary of State, what influence McCain and Obama had in the financial crisis, it's all in the book.  

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