Friday, August 23, 2013

Book 20 (2013) Mennonites Don't Dance**** by Darcie Friesen Hossack

Hossack is a short story writer compared to Alice Munro and I can see why.   The stories are about harsh experiences and are upsetting and haunting.  The Mennonite aspect is low key, mostly background, but is also the foundation for how the characters deal with life.  My own experience with the Mennonite life is not so uncompromisingly serious and soul-killing, but enough so I do understand.  Not an uplifting book, but the writing and stories are breathtaking.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

2013 Reading (Books 2-19)

Well, I have neglected both reading and blogging this year, but here's the list so far:

Fiction (5):

The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared *** by Jonas Jonasson

Ghost Children *** by Sue Townsend

Little Bee by Chris Cleave **** shocking story about Nigeria 

419 by Will Ferguson **** 2012 Giller Prize - about Lagos

Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber by Adele Lang -** yes that's a minus 2 stars. Rubbish, didn't finish.

Mystery (2):

Until the Night by Giles Blunt ** another John Cardinal mystery, set in northern Ontario

Bloodline by Lynda LaPlante **

Personal Finance (3):

Stop Acting Rich by Thomas Stanley * pretty much a repeat of previous books, which were great

Blog Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho ****

ProBlogger by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett ****

Language (1):

The Story of English in 100 Words by David Crystal *** another book about words, and another by Crystal, but very good and original information.

Health (3):

Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman ** pretty much what I've been saying all along but good to have reinforcement, but goes too far from natural remedies

The Melt Method by Sue Hitzman ** another approach to dealing with chronic pain, but pretty much what I do when my body falls apart.  Good reinforcement, but goes too far from natural remedies

Clean Gut by Alejandro Junger ** reinforcing previous thoughts on the gut being the main health system

French Culture (4):

Paris Revealed by Stephen Clarke

Provence A-Z *** by Peter Mayle

Touche, A French Woman's Take on the English by Agnes Catherine Poirier * interesting but not well written

Bebe Day by Day by Pamela Druckerman ** one of several recent books on how to raise kids

Shame on me, but I have read plenty online stuff.