Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tales of the City, anthology of mini-stories of life in Vancouver

Published in Vancouver Magazine in 2009, I love these stories.   Almost every one reminds me of something that happened to me, and I am sure, most Vancouverites. 


Book 5 Stock Investing for Canadians* for Dummies by Andrew Dagys and Paul Mladjenovic

I hate these Dummies books, but Chapters has hundreds of books on stock marketing investing, but none are Canadian.   I found lots of good basic information, but not a lot of useful strategic information.  And I hate the writing style.  But it goes on the shelf until I find something better.

Book 4 The Ultimate TFSA Guide**** by Gordon Pape

I picked this one up one evening at the bookstore, and found it very enlightening.  I thought I knew everything about TFSA's but was mistaken.   EVERYBODY must read this one.  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Book 3 57 Hours by Vesselin** Medkob and Paul Wilson

Anyone at all interested in a clear overview over the Chechnya civil war should read this book.   It contains a clear and well written explanation.   Interesting too, for Westerners, is the fact that the terrorist and their arms and explosives could proceed across Russia undetected and that certain people seemed to have free access to the theatre while the drama was unfolding. 

The main story is the story of a Bulgarian-Canadian man,  of the 57 hours in a Moscow theatre being held captive by Chechnya rebels, and how he survived.

The Russians released an unknown gas into the theatre before storming it.   Among the dead were all the terrorists and 129 innocent people, who succumbed to the gas after the attack.   The Russians had no plan for how to transport 600 unconscious and dying people to hospitals, no medical personnel standing by on site, and never told the doctors what it was, so they were forced to experiment with antidotes before being able to treat the dying people.  

2011 The Blog will Live

My blog will continue in 2011.   I really enjoy thinking about books and writers and analyzing their qualities.

Book 2 (11) Adrian Mole The Prostrate Years* by Sue Townsend

All the Adrian Mole books are wonderful, and really, better each time.  

Book 1 (2011) Snow Job* by William Deverell

I've read all of Deverell's books, and this one is better than the last few in that the story lines are all very interesting.   This book is set in the usual Saltspring Island location, but with Ottawa and Bhashyistan and Albania politics and war backgrounds as well.

See also review of Kill All the Judges by the same author for detailed comments.