Thursday, March 26, 2015

Book 4 (2015) Bringing Up Bebe * by Pamela Druckerman

Sigh, not original and not convincing --- American in awe of French parenting, trying to imitate but not really getting it.  Lots of similar books written, including a Canadian from Vancouver.  Always the same --- the do not really believe it can be done and don't really believe it is better, but mostly they are far too lazy, undisciplined and unprincipled to get it. Also, they cannot and do not want to live like this, so they sabotage themselves and the kids at every turn.  It's not just forcing your kids to eat food they don't like.  It is much deeper way of looking at life --- how to be good and really enjoy and make the best of life.  Thank god I was raised the "old-fashioned" or European way, and take it for granted, instead of a monumental/impossible change.

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