Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Book 45 The D-Day Dodgers The Canadians in Italy 1943-1945 **** by Daniel G. Dancocks

This is a fabulous book describing the experiences of the Canadian in the WWII in the Italian Campaign.   I read it in preparation for a study tour of Italy, and the battlefields, and cemeteries, so my focus was on geography.

Dancocks covers the movements of divisions and regiments, and many stories of individual experiences, not leaving out any names of military units, individuals, and the houses and hamlets and riverbeds they fought through.   He outlines the promotions, demotions, and medals won and why.   Inspite of or because of this much detail, each paragraph is riveting and highly visual --- I could see the movements of the men ande how they won each inch of ground.

Dancocks includes some analysis of the reasons the Allies beat the Germans, and a little more political commentary --- I wished for more.   He mentions the writings and opinions of other historians and the diaries of those present, and so presents all sides.  I would have like more perspective, such as the relative manpower, and more background about the Italians, and better and more maps.  

Despite the horrible tactical mistakes and very poor leadership at times, the Canadians eventually won every battle target they were assigned.   It is hard to conceive of how brave these men and women were as there were many casualties and conditions were harsh.   

Fans of history and war, read this one.   I am giving it 4 stars due to originality, great research, and good story telling.

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